Sales and Delivery Terms for Nordic Refrigeration Solutions ApS
Rev. 2024.08.08
1.1 These general conditions set forth the specific terms for Nordic Refrigeration Solutions ApS, CVR no.: 39 91 91 33 (“Supplier”) for the delivery of standard as well as custom-made products (“Products”) and consultancy services (“Services”), including advice, consultancy assistance, and repair and maintenance of refrigeration systems, as described in the agreement (“Agreement”) between the customer (“Customer”) and the Supplier. 1.2 These conditions (“Conditions”) apply to all Agreements entered into by the Customer with the Supplier, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
2.1 The Supplier’s service may consist of delivering Products and Services, the specific content and scope of which are described in the Agreement between the parties. The Agreement may, for example, consist of an order confirmation and possibly a task description. 2.2 The Supplier may at any time choose to have the task performed by subcontractors. However, this does not relieve the Supplier of its obligations under the Conditions or the Agreement.
3.1 Specific offers from the Supplier are valid for 30 days from the date of the offer. An offer must be accepted in writing by the Customer and is only binding on the Supplier when the Supplier has confirmed the order in writing.
4.1 An offer/order confirmation regarding Products not in stock is always made subject to the availability of the Products at market price. If the Products cannot be obtained, the Supplier may cancel the offer/order confirmation for these Products without any liability. The Supplier is obliged to immediately inform the Customer that the Products cannot be obtained as soon as the Supplier becomes aware of this. 4.2 The Customer is only entitled to cancel deliveries of Products and/or Services with the Supplier’s written consent. The Supplier is entitled to charge a cancellation fee of 20% of the price of the order, but no more than DKK 50,000.
5.1 Product descriptions, manuals, and user guides may accompany the delivery of Products to the extent such material has been prepared by the Supplier or the manufacturer. If it is a condition for the Customer that such material exists, the Supplier must be made aware of this no later than at the time of the Customer’s order.
6.1 The performance of Services is subject to:
7.1 The Supplier strives to adhere to the agreed delivery time in the Agreement and, if this is not possible, will immediately inform the Customer and keep the Customer updated on any new expected delivery time. If the delivery time cannot be met, the Supplier will attempt to mitigate the Customer’s inconvenience as best as possible. However, the Supplier does not assume any liability for delays. 7.2 If the delivery time is exceeded by more than 30 days, and the delay is solely attributable to the Supplier or circumstances under the Supplier’s control, the Customer is entitled to terminate the Agreement with reasonable notice by written notice to the Supplier. 7.3 Unless otherwise agreed, delivery of Products is considered to have occurred when the Products are handed over/made available to the Customer from the Supplier’s warehouse (ex-works). For Services, delivery is considered to have occurred as the Services are provided/completed. 7.4 The Supplier does not assume any responsibility for transport/shipping, installation, implementation, etc., unless otherwise agreed. 7.5 In cases where the Supplier, by agreement with the Customer, is to bring the Products and, for example, perform the installation of the Products, the delivery time is the time when the Products are physically handed over/made available to the Customer at the agreed delivery location. 7.6 For any installation work, the Customer will be invoiced according to the time spent at the current list prices of the Supplier, unless otherwise agreed. 7.7 At the Customer’s request and at their expense and risk, the Supplier can arrange for the transportation of Products.
8.1 The risk for the Products passes to the Customer at the time of delivery.
9.1 General
All prices are in Danish kroner excluding VAT, public charges, and other possible imposed taxes, environmental contributions, freight, etc., unless otherwise stated. All offers and prices are given under the assumption of stable raw material and procurement prices. In case of significant fluctuations in one or more raw material or procurement prices, the Supplier reserves the right to adjust any price according to an offer, the Conditions, and/or an Agreement with such a price fluctuation with 14 days’ notice. A fluctuation in raw material or procurement prices that results in increased costs of 5% or more for the Supplier is always considered a significant fluctuation that justifies a price adjustment.
9.2 Products
The agreed price for ordered Products is stated in the Agreement between the parties. The Supplier is entitled to invoice the Customer for Products upon delivery. However, the Agreement may state that the Supplier is entitled to require a deposit or prepayment.
9.3 Services
The estimated scope of the agreed Services is stated in the Agreement between the parties. Regardless of this, the Customer is always invoiced according to the Supplier’s actual time spent on the task, unless the Agreement states that it is a fixed price. As a rule, invoices are issued for each started hour. However, the Agreement may state that the Supplier is entitled to require a deposit or prepayment. The agreed fee for the Supplier’s Services can be based on an hourly rate or daily rate (including for overtime work, transport, catering, and expenses), the size of which is stated in the Supplier’s general price list. If special hourly rates, etc., have been agreed upon, such rates will be stated in the Agreement. Hourly rates, etc., can be adjusted by the Supplier with two weeks’ notice to the end of a calendar month. If the Customer wishes work to be carried out outside normal working hours (Monday to Thursday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and Friday from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm), overtime work is invoiced at a rate of the agreed hourly rate with a 100% surcharge. Consultants’ costs for transport, accommodation, and catering in connection with the work’s execution are invoiced separately according to state rates or equivalent to actual expenses according to documentation. Consultants’ travel time is invoiced at 50% of the agreed consultant hourly rate. If the travel time falls outside normal working hours, it is invoiced at 100%. The Supplier is entitled to invoice the Customer both upon delivery of the respective Services, as well as on an ongoing basis at the end of each calendar month and when the task is completed. If the Customer’s circumstances mean that the agreed Service could not be delivered, the Customer is invoiced for the agreed hours less the Supplier’s possible other invoicing of the consultant in the same period.
If the Customer wishes to object to an issued invoice, this must be done no later than 14 days after the invoice date. 10.2 Invoices are due for payment 14 days after the invoice date. 10.3 In case of late payment, the Supplier is entitled to charge interest from the due date at 1.5% per started month with monthly interest accruals calculated from the due date. 10.4 If the due date has passed, a reminder has been issued, an additional 4 days have passed, and payment has still not been made, the Supplier is entitled to withhold further deliveries or parts thereof, or by written notice to the Customer, terminate the Agreement in whole or in part without further notice, as well as any other agreements entered into with the Customer. If the Supplier terminates the Agreement, the Supplier is entitled to compensation according to the general rules of Danish law.
11.1 The Seller’s liability covers only defects that appear within 12 months from the day the equipment was delivered.
11.2 The Seller only covers the costs of defective parts and not labor costs when the parts need to be replaced.
11.3 The Seller does not cover the cost of new refrigerant required for repairing the system.
11.4 The Buyer must notify the Seller of a defect in writing without undue delay after the defect has appeared and in no case later than 2 weeks after the defect has appeared. The notification must include a description of how the defect has manifested. Otherwise, the buyer loses the right to make claims due to the defect.
11.5 Repairs are carried out at the Seller’s premises unless the Seller has agreed that the defective part or material can be repaired or replaced at the buyer’s premises. In such cases, the buyer must bear the additional costs incurred by the Seller due to the material being located elsewhere than at the Seller’s premises.
11.6 The Customer is obliged to examine and test the delivered goods immediately after delivery.
11.7 The Buyer cannot make corrections on behalf of the Seller and at the Seller’s expense unless this has been agreed in writing between the parties. Freight damage not reported to the carrier upon receipt of the goods is irrelevant to the Seller. The Seller has the right to remedy defects using alternative
We offer our many years of experience to professional installers of heat pumps, refrigeration systems house e.g. for refrigeration and freezing in commercial kitchens, supermarkets, hospitals and other public institutions. In addition, we offer components for control and monitoring of refrigeration and freezing installations.
We also offer invoicing as a solution.