Model | IREVC0HN00 |
Supply | 115-230V |
Comp | 16 amp |
Defrost | 8 amp |
Fan | 8 amp |
Aux | 8 amp |
NTC sensor | 2 |
Digital input | 2 |
Temperature alarms can be managed in two different ways. Depending on the value of parameter A1, the temperaturalarm is absolut or relative. If A1=0 the alarm is relative and if A1=1 the alarm is absolut. Other parameters related to temperature alarms are AL, AH and AD. AL is the value considered when temperature is lower than the setpoint. AH is the value considered when the temperature is higher than the setpoint. AD is the timedelay before the alarm is activated.
If A1 is relative (A1=0) AL and AH are divisions related to the setpoint. When chaning the setpoint the values follow the change. I will give an example if setpoint i 0 degree and AL and AH are both 5 degree alarms will be activated at 5 degree and -5 degree. If the setpoint is changed to 2 degree alarm will be activated at 7 degree and -3 degree.
If A1 is absolut (A1=1) AL and AH is a measured temperatur. Temperature alarm will be activated at 5 and-5 degree If setpoint is 0 degree, AL is -5 degree and AH is 5 degree. If setpoint is changed to 2 degree alarms will still arrive at -5 and +5 degree.
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